May 17th, 2009 by | Posted in Life Comments Off on NO GAIN WITHOUT RISKYou have now worked for a considerable number of years, have achieved a level of comfort – but are you satisfied with what you have? If yes then why? Why are you satisfied? You should know that satisfaction will put a full stop to the furtherance in your career and progress in life.
If you are satisfied, as of now, this would mean that you have no dreams and/or desires to further your state of life. Almost three decades ago, while I was working at Sena Bhawan New Delhi, I had to go on an official errand to Kingsway Camp. There I saw small, dingy, just eighty square yards houses comprising of two rooms one bathroom which were constructed years ago for the expatriates (refugees) from Pakistan. Few of them had pucca roofs over them but most of them were tin top. And then I saw this name plate outside one house and I burst out in laughter. It read – ‘Ram Lubhaya Chopra, Permanent LDC, Ministry of Defence’. Just see how happy and contended this fellow is that he has used the word ‘permanent’ in his name plate also .Permanent is a status within an office which is achieved after 10 to 12 years of service and not to be boasted around in public. He gets tons of amount of satisfaction that he is permanent and that nobody can chuck him out of his job for forty years and will come back to his little house and get pension thereafter WOW. Very very happy.
I differ from his line of thinking. One must be satisfied with what Almighty has bestowed upon us but we should dream and aspire for more and to achieve that, hard work and dedication, plus an iota of luck is also required. One should dream of and define achievable targets only. The word ‘permanent’ is a permanent hindrance in the furtherance of your progress and achievement. Instead the golden word should be ‘change’. Just look at what Barrack Obama has done . He was not satisfied as a Senator. – he said “Change we shall’ – and from a Senator he rose to become the President of America – the most powerful man on the globe.
When fate shuts a door, enter through the window. Don’t make the mistake the fly does – she tries to make a hole in the glass pane of the door which is utterly futile ,painful for her – irritating for others, and goes on doing it until she tires or expires.. If you need a change – change your attitude and choose the right options.
One of my Respected Uncle, who is a prominent businessman and also a veteran journalist and writes for a National daily, had once said – ‘There is ‘ no gain without risk’. If Mr. Chopra, had left his permanent job of LDC and become a Section Officer elsewhere, he would probably have retired as a Deputy Secretary somewhere else.There are always three types of people i) who make things happen, ii) who watch things happen and iii) wonder how that happened?. I would like you all to be in the first category. Achievers dont wait for left overs, they are go-getters.
Four decades ago if a person in this country won a lotto for one hundred thousand rupees he would either faint or have a heart attack:). Today there are at least two millionaires in every street. How did this happen? They were not satisfied with ‘permanency’. They looked for ‘change’ and took the risk and gained. They grabbed the opportunity as and when it came along their path and said ‘Yes I Can’.
So boys and girls – what do you think?
Ravi Matah
Tags: Contentment, satisfaction
Hats off!! this deserves the best blog ever!!
its so true!! determination, willingness, strength, self confidence are few ingredients to keep the cart movin!!
lets not be the irritating fly…but keep flyin high n higher!
I agree with what you have written but differ when it comes to the luck bit …I think we are the makers of our destiny and people who you foresee as lucky …if you go deep down you will realize it’s their hard work and dedication..that commitment which has brought them where they are …there is a very fine line between success and failure …it’s at that point where everyone struggles but most people give up just when they are about to reach the peak and the tough ones continue ….
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
The main reason is that we are “programmed” for mediocrity. We have not been taught that we can be powerful beyond measure. Since early childhood we are conditioned to swim with the swarm, to stay in the crab basket called humanity and there will always be people who will remind us of it – but in spite of all this, we have a choice at any one moment of our go ahead and make that choice the whole world is there ….Cheers!!!