September 11th, 2012 by | Posted in Political Comments Off on THE SUITABLE PRESIDENTTwo months from now, the people of United States have to choose between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama as to who would become their President in Nov 2012.

Barack Obama at Democratic National Convention
The choice will come down to the person, who can create the much needed jobs to eradicate the unemployment problem, tackle the financial situation and bring the country out of the financial mess which Obama had inherited from the previous regime. [Too many problems (incl recession & job losses) created by Bush are unnecessarily being attributed to Barack Obama.]They will have to make a choice between ‘Govt. of the rich, by the rich for the rich’ as propagated by Romney & Paul Ryan – on one hand AND – a Government for upliftment of the masses as proposed by Obama – on the other.

Bill Clinton at Democratic National Convention 2012
What will the fate of the middle income group if the rich are taxed more as proposed by Romney? His fiscal policies do not, prima-facie hold good. Mitt Romney promises cut government spending, eliminates the deficit, create over 240,000 new jobs for Wisconsin. This he has committed in one ad for his campaign, but never has been able to tell how he proposes to achieve it.
On the opening night of the Democratic National Convention, it was Michelle Obama who held the fort, which was followed up by Bill Clinton with his total support to Obama’s candidacy, thereby improving Obama’s popularity rating.
On Thursday night, Obama, in his acceptance speech as Democratic nominee spoke at the Democratic National Convention and told the country that they had a choice to make their future [and the future of their kids] by electing him in the forthcoming elections.
The delegates who attended the convention gave Obama a standing ovation and reacted to whatever he said.
He said in his speech that he would provide more jobs to the country make US less dependant on others and laid stress on Education and Energy Plans. He said that education is the gateway to middle class life.
On the economic front he stressed that he would use the money being spent on wars to build bridges to repay the debt and also added that he is no longer a candidate for the post of President, but is the President.
This means that Obama already knows what is required to be done to safeguard the future of the American people and take effective measures towards fulfillment of their dreams.
He also added that he knows what is takes to achieve the objectives of a nation and after this speech he has emerged a clear winner.
Obama then said that he now wants the people to make a choice and elect him for another period of four years and that he would deliver the goods better than his political opponents Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan.
By killing Osama Bin Laden he is in a better position than his opponent so far as the national security rating is concerned.
The mood in the street following his speech was electric. Thousands of Obama delegates and supporters flooded the street inCharlotte,North Carolina, some singing and chanting. They were full of hope and were looking forward to a secured future.
After the speech, the CNN Political Analyst, David Gergen said – “I thought it is a very strong speech’.
I also say that America should now choose a man with guts who could protect them rather than try to get an inexperienced person who talks about money only.
Even though the President leads his opponent Mitt Romney by a thin margin in the polls, still Obama is more acceptable and liked by the Americans and after this acceptance speech on Thursday and appears to be a clear winner in November 2012.
This speech has brought Obama in the lead by 3 to 4%. But a lot of strategists say that in a closely contested election, even this little margin could be determinative and sufficient to swing the balance in favour of Obama which means that the Democratic National Convention was a great moment for Obama and his Democratic supporters.
Barack Obama possesses the character, commitment and the charisma to deliver what the American public expect of him.
Obama will also be able to take adequate measures so far as fiscal austerity is concerned, and solve the US economic problems.
I am of the opinion that Americans should give Obama another four year term in the Nov. 2012 elections and that would be for a betterAmerica.
Today is the 11th Anniversary of the 9/11 attack on USA, and I post this blog on the 9th of September afternoon inIndia so that whenAmerica wakes up early morning in US on 9/11, they should read this alongwith their cuppa tea and decide their future.
.I think Barack Obama is a clear favorite to win the Presidency in the forthcoming elections.
Ravi Matah.
Tags: – President of the United States, 9/11, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Charlotte North Carolina, Democratic National Convention, Elections 2012, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, POTUS, US Elections, White House USA