Posts Tagged ‘Coins’


June 28th, 2012 by Ravi Matah | Posted in Life   Comments Off on THE POWER OF COINS

The world-wide recession has diminished the purchasing power of money, making some of the essential commodities beyond the reach of the common man and now Rupee has gone beyond the Rs.57/- mark in exchange to One US Dollar.

The memories of the good old days when Rupee had it’s purchasing power, are still fresh in my mind and I thought to pen down these few lines for my readers to read and believe that even the coins had enough value in the Golden days.

Five decades ago, I was dropped daily at the school gate by our driver in our car which was of ‘Opel’ make. It’s shiny chrome-plated wheels had iron spokes, it’s stepney rested on the right hand side mud-gaurd, and it had a horn, which is similar to a breast pump which I blew once everytime after alighting and it used to make a distinct sound – ‘chi-ghawn-uk’. (more…)