June 7th, 2009 by | Posted in Life Comments Off on THE DARLING DAUGHTERFortunate are those who are blessed with a daughter. It is the biggest gift from the Almighty to the parents. A daughter is an apostle of love, affection, laughter, cheerfulness and by her playful attitude keeps the whole household on their toes. Not only the parents, but the entire family is also attached to her being affectionate as she always is. Why would anyone in their right senses even think of killing their own daughter? Would you?
Thirty five years ago, we brought our daughter home from the nearby nursing home and we started collecting the paraphernalia essentially required for her day to day necessities. Little did we then realize that we had brought home a bundle of joy! Days passed and every day something new was happening. After about a year she became a mobile mischief and both of us kept running after her, caring for her, telling her stories, playing with her toys and making her laugh (or was it the other way round?) (more…)