Posts Tagged ‘Tendulkar’


October 7th, 2009 by Ravi Matah | Posted in Comedy   Comments Off on MESSAGE ON A T-SHIRT

When I was in school, I used to wear blue shorts and red shirt in the evening to play football and ‘whites’ for cricket practice with a monogram of the school (‘SJA’) on the pocket.  This dress was  then called ‘colours’. I loved to wear tee-shirts also, in the evenings and the only choice for boys  then was blue, cream and grey and no A B C D printed on it.

Thereafter, went  to college and wore tee-shirts as there was no specific dress code. At the time, cricket was played in white clothes, until Kerry Packer of Channel 9 Australia, innovated coloured trousers and changed the white to a coloured tee-shirt with the country’s name in front and player’s name and  number on it’s back. And rightfully so, TENdulkar got the number ‘ten’ on his tee-shirt. So, the digits and words arrived on  tee-shirts. (more…)