Posts Tagged ‘Part II’

Wanted a Prime Minister – Part II

May 14th, 2009 by Ravi Matah | Posted in Political   Comments Off on Wanted a Prime Minister – Part II

In the previous blog we had invited applications for the post of a Prime Minister in India and had also laid down the essential  requirements for the candidates. We did receive a few applications which, after being checked by the screening committee have been brought to the table of the selection committee. Let’s see what happens here.

A three member selection committee was constituted by the Chairman of the bureau. The members of this committee were  all octogenerians and had six decades of political experience. The meeting began. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, three cups of coffee (each) on three occasions and a few cold drinks later, the committee went through the bio-datas of the few applicants to decide the best contender for the post. They discussed about them  at length and this is how the discussion went on  till midnight. (more…)